Andrew Kenneth Fretwell – 7 Part Emotional Alchemy Series
Description of 7 Part Emotional Alchemy Series
This was a course held every 6 consecutive Sundays with a week in between each training to practice and get familiar with the material.
This is deeply transformational training for anyone who wants to dive deep into getting free of repeating emotional patterns, Andrew is teaching Taoist alchemical formulas.
This training will allow you to reclaim the life force trapped in those patterns and use that energy to enjoy your unique life. Please note this course is taught in English with a Bulgarian translation provided.
About Kenneth Fretwell
Andrew Kenneth Fretwell is a Soul Alchemist and spiritual fulfillment facilitator who transforms lives through his practical clarity around the multidimensionality of the human experience.
He is the founder and creator of WU JI GONG.ORG a dedicated and committed worldwide community that is inspiring and educating humanity on how to awaken self-love by grounding and crystalizing the multi-dimensional high vibrational essence self (SOUL) and integrating it within the body/mind.
He is also the founder and creator of Original Feeling Touch an innovative revolutionary healing modality that has been called “family constellations” for the cellular memory because it is so effective in assisting anyone to transmute the unconscious family and ancestral trauma that is preventing the unfolding of Soul potential. Andrew has literally held healing space for over five thousand bodies in the last 35 years and has also trained many other professional therapists in the OFT approach. Andrew’s experiential knowledge of the emotional anatomy of the body/mind has been called: “A soothing balm of life wisdom and understanding for anyone involved in cultivating their highest potential.”
Andrew also has an online mentoring service where his main area of focus is in supporting and clarifying a persons understanding of their Souls evolutionarily purpose for this life.
Sale page: Andrew Kenneth Fretwell – 7 Part Emotional Alchemy Series