Jim Wolfe – First Date God
Make Every Woman You Date Excited to See You Again GUARANTEED…
Without spending lots of money…
Without memorizing any robotic conversation “routines” or using any strange “tricks”…
And without changing your personality AT ALL…
Even if you’ve been out of the “dating scene” for YEARS or you’ve never had a girlfriend before (like I didn’t before I discovered what I’m about to share with you):
Inside the First Date God system, you gain the confidence that comes with knowing EXACTLY what to do when you meet up with a girl for the first time (and on your second and third dates with her) to increase her attraction for you and make 100% sure she wants to meet up with you AGAIN without using tricks or changing your personality.
And, you earn the deep respect of friends, family, and co-workers that comes with your new level of confidence and success with women…
The high-leverage principles, powerful tools, and easy-to-use practical advice inside the First Date God men’s dating system make absolutely sure she likes you more after your first date instead of less…
“Pick Me..Pick Me!” =)
So, yes, this program has you crushing it on your first dates and gets you more second dates with the women you want GUARANTEED.
And I never want you to settle. It’s better for both of you if she’s the one you REALLY want.
This is What We Want:
This is a text I got after meeting an insanely hot, really cool girl for coffee by simply applying what we cover inside the First Date God system…
And that means the principles inside First Date God work for you on even the simplest kind of date: It doesn’t matter what you do with her as long as you have the system working for you…
And I can’t wait for you to get these kinds of messages after your dates too…
Because there’s nothing better than KNOWING a girl you really like is into you and that her attraction for you is INCREASING…
And it feels even better when she STAYS attracted to you and you know you can date her as long as you want instead of worrying that she might not text you back or meet up with you again.
What you’ll Learn In First Date God
What We Cover in This Life-Changing 8-Module, 5+ Hour Multimedia Program:
- EXACTLY what to do on your first date so that she’s DYING to meet up with you again.
- How to make HER escalate on YOU so you never have to worry about “making a move” at the wrong time ever again and so she LOVES being physical with you.
- 17 mindset shifts that instantly skyrocket your dating success.
- What makes for a good first date and what doesn’t so you can AVOID common first date mistakes.
- Where you should take her on your first date (and your 2nd & 3rd date) to make sure she gets all the right signals from you.
- When to end the date to make sure you keep her wanting more.
- How to crush your first date conversations so she has way more fun and feels more connected and attracted to you.
- Body language secrets that make her feel comfortable with you and attracted to you at the same time.
- EXACTLY what to do after your date to make sure she meets up with you again.
- What to do between dates that SETS YOU APART from every other guy out there and drives her interest in you through the roof.
- How to DECIDE if you should ask her out again – because you have a lot more options now, this helps you figure out if you should keep dating her or not.
- Everything you need to know to keep her coming back for more so that YOU get to decide if you want to keep dating her or not…
Here’s What’s Inside the First Date God Program So You Know EXACTLY What You’re Getting Today:
- Module 1: Dating Paradigms (These mindset shifts make you instantly more attractive).
- Module 2: Date Ideas (Exactly what kinds of dates are good and which ones to avoid).
- Module 3: First Date Game Plan (Exactly what to do to prepare for and go on your date).
- Module 4: First Date Conversation (Know what to say at all times).
- Module 5: First Date Body Language (Make her feel more attracted to you without words).
- Module 6: After Your First Date (Know exactly what to do between dates that separates you from every other guy and makes her want to meet up with you again).
- Module 7: Date Assessment (Since you have more women to choose from now, use this tool to help you decide which ones to keep dating).
- Module 8: First Date God Closing (Final thoughts to keep you motivated and the importance of your self-image).
And, when you invest in yourself today, you’ll get these 2 FREE gifts as well:
This awesome bonus training puts you in a grounded, masculine, extremely positive mood before you go on a date so that you have more fun, so your nerves don’t get in your way, and so she feels incredible being with you (she’ll want more of you)… - My best-selling book 7 KEYS TO BEING A TOTAL BADASS…
These 7 keys make you even MORE naturally attractive to every woman you meet and make your success with women inevitable as a byproduct of the man you become when you insert your unique personality into all 7 keys…
How I came up with the price for First Date God…
Well, first of all, I’m not going to charge you anywhere near the $20,000+ I paid to learn the lessons I share with you inside the program…
And, you reap the benefits that come from 13 years of intense study and personal experience in just a few hours.
I think that’s worth its weight in gold…
This is THE program I wish I had a decade ago because it would have saved me from experiencing an almost unbearable amount of failure, pain, and confusion over the years while also saving me lots of time and money…
Secondly, this program will save you money that you might otherwise spend on wasted dates and save you countless hours of wasted time…
…Because dating is expensive, and if you don’t know EXACTLY what to do to get the results you desire, it’s also huge waste of your time.
According to a recent article on Match.com, the average “dinner and a movie” date in New York City costs an alarming $135, with dinner and basketball tickets running you $338…
Even in the smaller city of Portland, OR, a dinner and a basketball game date will cost you $145 according to the same article…
In other words, investing in this program and in yourself today pays for itself very quickly, even if you only take women out for coffee…
The best part: This program actually ends up SAVING you money because you discover the dates women love that don’t cost you a fortune, you know exactly what to do and say to make sure the money you spend on dates is never wasted, and you never waste money on women who aren’t interested in you because you have an abundance of real, amazing options…
Sale page: Jim Wolfe – First Date God