George Hutton – Sex God
Sex God
Master Her Body – Master Her Mind
What You’ll Learn in Sex God
What’s Inside
Three written sessions with all the biological and philosophical ideas and exercises to become a sex god.
Three subliminal themes to program your deep mind with sex god beliefs to drive your domination over any sexual marketplace.
Written Sessions
Session One is all about sex.
Why it creates scarcity and emotional confusion in nearly everybody.
How to train this out of your system so you can radiate a pure acceptance of all your sex energy.
Session Two is about sexual meditation.
How to meditate on the idea of sex, and how to channel it into irresistible social charisma.
How to become sexually attractive simply by your presence and energy, regardless of what you look like or what you are wearing.
Session Three is how to deliver a mind blowing sexual experience in the bedroom.
How to create the most erotically pleasing orgasms they’ve ever had.
How to fill their mind with the most wonderful romantic and sexual fantasies they’ve ever imagined to go along with their orgasmic bliss.
Subliminal Sessions
Sexual Being
Build in the belief that you are a purely sexual being.
That sexual feelings and drives are just as natural as taking in a deep breath of fresh air.
Create a deep inner sexual acceptance that will be felt by everybody around you.
Sexual Engineer
Leverage your sexual energy to consciously generate enjoyable conversations.
Feel your sexual energy under all the words you say and lead the conversation to wonderful places.
Embrace and use your sexual energy as an ancient force of love and happiness.
Sex God
Be an engineer of utter bliss in between the sheets.
Learn to truly believe that you can give a life changing sexual experience to anybody you lay eyes on.
Let them know through your simple gaze that you are the giver of pleasure, the creator of bliss, the master of orgasms.
Master Mix
All sessions mixed together.
Get an irresistibly attractive personality.
Make all women desperate to be with you.
About George Hutton
My name is George Hutton. Thank you for visiting my author page. I am a certified hypnotist, author and scientist. I received a B.S. in Physics in 1990. I managed a Research and Development Laboratory for a biomedical company for ten years. I’ve been involved in sales, persuasion, and hypnosis. I’ve been teaching, coaching and creating hypnosis and NLP based products for over a decade. This is Mind Persuasion. This site is dedicated to NLP, hypnosis and influence. There’s not any aspect of life that can’t be improved with NLP and hypnosis. No matter what you’d like to accomplish in life, NLP can help.
It will help you not only to improve your communication skills, goal setting skills, and skills of influence, but will also help you to conquer any internal blocks, such as fear, anxiety, and indecision.
Once you’ve got some solid “inner game” as well as some solid “outer game” there’s literally nothing in life that you can’t accomplish.
This site is dedicated to helping you develop the skills you need to create anything you want.
If you haven’t yet, consider signing up for a free membership. In the free members area, you’ll have access to several introductory videos about NLP and Hypnosis
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