The things we teach about the markets are tried and true methods developed from over 100 years of trading and market study. Our clients consistently praise the material and the teaching style, over and over. Most clients describe out materials to be “World Class,” and our teaching to be “Eye Opening.” Our education is “Unique” and our students learn to be able to “listen to what the market is telling him/her.”
What We Will Teach You
Up and down trends
Things that indicate a trend is likely – important cues to pay attention to in advance of the market’s open
Confirming indications that the trend remains intact and that you shouldn’t exit prematurely – these are usually very clear and will help keep you in the trade
Disconfirming indications that signal a trend is likely coming to an end – these tell you it is time to lighten up on your position or exit entirely
Application of reading the waves during a trend
Exclusive: How to use the Weis Wave in trading a trend!
Important indications that signal a change in the trend – knowing these helps you prepare for the next trend
How to tell the difference between a pullback and a trend change
The best entry strategies – we will go over several
How to enter the trend early using a straightforward, ‘bread & butter’ trade setup
Where to exit
How to add to your position
Where to set stops
How to integrate higher time frames for a powerful trend trading system
Power trade setups in a trending market
And more.
As with everything we teach, the trend material you will learn in this webinar applies to all freely traded markets in all time frames. We have never done this before and have never shown this material before, so you will be getting it first.
With Dr. Gary you actually learn how to trade, which in itself, as you probably know, is a very rare thing in this industry. His course is that school I was looking for. Even now when telling you it makes me happy. It’s like when you go to any other course, outside of trading, with a good teacher where you learn exactly how to do things in a clear, concise and complete manner where you afterwards know exactly what to practice on. And when you practice you know that you get better, because you know that you know how to do things.