Backtest Wizard – Flagship Trading Course
“Learn How To Program, Test and then Manage a Portfolio of Market-Beating Quantitative Stock Trading Strategies”
The NDX100 Momentum Portfolio and Source Code Will Provide You With the Tools and Knowledge To Build a Market-Beating Portfolio…
- Average % Profit Per Trade and CAR%: This system has an average profit per trade of 9.75% and a CAR of 14.02%
- The Data That You Need: End of Day dividend adjusted data for Stocks in the Nasdaq100.
- Max System DD %: If employing a monthly rebalance the system had a 16% Maximum DD during the sample period.
- Trades Per Year: The system produces an average of 40 trades per year with a maximum number of open positions capped at 30.
- Average Length of Position: Open positions are held for an average length of 4 months.
- Charting Tools Required: Standard Bollinger Bands, ROC% and ATR indicators are all that you require.
Some Of The Many Benefits To Trading The NDX100 Momentum Portfolio…
- The System Only Trades Nasdaq 100 Stocks.
- The Portfolio Only Requires Rebalancing Once Per Week/Month, Allowing You to Manage Your Positions Easily.
- The System Uses a Custom-Built Ranking Indicator To Ensure That You Are Long the Strongest Stocks in the Market.
- The Momentum Portfolio Strategy Includes a Customisable Daily Volatility Target Position-Sizing Algorithm Which Will Allow You to Standardise Your
- Risk Across Multiple Positions.
- The System Rules Ensure that You Scale-Out of Positions and into Cash During Bear Markets.
- The Rules and Scanner Codes Are Fully Disclosed. No Black Box or Proprietary Trading Tools Are Involved.
- The System Ensures That You Avoid Exposure to any Under-Performing Stocks that Belong to the Index.
- The Custom-Built Ranking Indicator Can Be Applied To ETFs and International Markets.
- The System Requires No Discretionary Decision Making – All Decisions are Systematic and Easily Executed.
- The System Variables can be Modified to Better Suit your Personal Risk Tolerance and Portfolio Goals. For example, you could easily Modify the
- Ready Built Strategy Formula to Test Different Rebalance Frequencies, Rebalance Thresholds, Volatility Targets or Different Degrees of Portfolio
- Diversification.
How The Short-Term Pattern Guides and Scanning Tools Will Benefit You…
- The Strategies Are Applied to End Of Day Data Which Allows You To Spend Less Time at Your Trading Desk.
- The Pattern Scanner Tools Identify Multiple Signals Each Week.
- The Scans Will Systematically Identify Stocks and ETFs Which Have Produced a Reversal Pattern.
- The Signals Can Be Traded In Conjunction With Discretionary / Fundamental Research.
- The Strategy Guides Explain How to Dynamically Adjust Position-Size and Stop-Loss Levels Based upon Market Volatility.
- The Strategy Rules and Scanner Tool Formulas Are Fully Disclosed. No Black Box or Proprietary Trading Tools Are Involved.
- The Strategies and Pattern Scanner Formulas Can Be Modified to Include Additional Filters and Entry Order Logic.
- The Strategy Guides Include Comprehensive Performance Metric Data for a Variety of Sector and Market Environment Filters.
- The Formulas are Written In Such a Way That Users With No Programming Experience Can Easily Learn How to Create Their Own Strategy Scans.
- Members are Encouraged To Get In Touch If They’d Like Help With Their Own Strategy Programming.
- Learn How to Test and Verify the Trading Strategy Ideas that You Discover On-line or In Trading Books.
Why the Flagship Trading Course Could be Your Best Ever Investment…
- Streamline your trading plan.
- Learn a systematic approach for any type of market environment.
- Learn how to manage a portfolio in just a few minutes per week.
- Learn the indicators which are used by professional traders to quantify the trend of any market in multiple time-frames.
- Discover the #1 principle that will allow you to build a long-term portfolio which will consistently outperform the market.
- Get access to pre-written stock screening formulas which can be used as templates for your own research.
- Reduce the time that you spend analysing stocks by hundreds of hours.
- Discover how to intelligently trade ETFs, even if you are new to them.
- Discover how to limit your risk and protect your capital during a stock market crash.
- Learn the 3-step filtering process for identifying profitable trading opportunities.
- Premium members also receive programming support if they want to create and test their own indicators, market-timing filters, position-sizing methods
- or general strategies.
- And More.
Sale page: Backtest Wizard – Flagship Trading Course