Trading Tuitions – Hedge Fund Trading Systems
Welcome to Hedge Fund Trading Systems. On this course I reveal a number of unique trading systems for stocks that I created with the trading platform Amibroker. Each trading system on the course is fully explained, comes with trade examples and recorded-back-tests, and has been double checked by an independent party. The course also includes full Amibroker source code (AFL) for each system and a comprehensive back-test template for your own use.
What You’ll Learn In Hedge Fund Trading Systems
- Six unique trading and investing strategies for stocks
- Full Amibroker system code (AFL) for each system
- Short-term and long-term strategies
- Recorded back-test simulations
- Complete details on how to trade each system
- Amibroker back-test template
- Important lessons on back-testing
- Important lessons on trading system design
- Tips for stress testing trading strategies
- Tips for improving trading system returns