Russell Brunson – 10x Secrets Masterclass
Introducing the 10x Secrets Masterclass by Russell Brunson.
On February 23rd 2018, Russell Brunson sold a record breaking $3,000,000 worth of ClickFunnels on stage at Grant Cardone’s event 10x Growth Conference. Russell spoke to 9000 people and managed to close 1 in 9 people in the room! This broke all records, and once again proved just how amazing Russell is at closing live on stage.
It’s important that I say 10x Secrets is not just for selling on stage. It’s a training suite that shows you how to sell using various methods, and I have to say… it’s looking good.
Want to know how Russell did it and how you can implement these techniques in your own business? Well, he’s eager to enlighten us with his latest product, the 10x Secrets Masterclass.
Russell has called this new product 10x Secrets, and has dubbed it “by far the best information product I have ever put together“.
That’s some statement!
In a recent video about the 10x Secrets Masterclass, Russell said:
“I want this information in the hands of everybody because I know that the principals, the process, the scripts, the psychology, everything is the same thing that you need, that your customer needs to be able to get their product and their service, their message out to the world and we want to do it in a really cool and very unique way. ”
Sounds exciting, right?
The recent ClickFunnels ’30 Day Summit’ launch was a mixture of both a large printed book, and a collection of videos in a membership area (which by the way was an awesome product). For me, 10x Secrets provides a different kind of value than the previous 30 Days product. It’s value that you can take and implement straight away into any business.
Sale page: Russell Brunson – 10x Secrets Masterclass