100% Over the Shoulder Facebook Ads from the Ground Up
What you’ll learn
How to get started with absolutely no previous experience. This course will take anyone from no ad acct to running their first ad!
Complete over the shoulder walk through from creating your account to running first ad. No boring PowerPoints, all learning is inside the platform
87% of U.S. marketers will use Facebook marketing in 2021 21 Billion spent on Ads
Detailed navigation and explanation of the Ad Platform backend. Learn how to navigate the backend like a pro.
The secrets I’ve learned after over 15,000 hours of Ad Management
How to confidently navigate throughout the platform
What to do if lost, wrong screen or not sure what to do next
How to effectively plan your first ad, find your target audience and build great ads
What is a Facebook Pixel and how can I maximise all its benefits
Start with Facebook 101, we assume your know nothing and build you a strong foundation of learning
Detailed navigation, explanation and overview of the elements of the Facebook Platform, the Ad Account, the Business Manager and the Fan Page
Detialed explanation of the types of Audiences you can advertise to on Facebook and how to find your Perfect Targeted Audience
How to feel confident exploring and navigating the Ad Manager itself and not waste time trying to find out where to go next
How to Add Ad Accounts to your Business Manager, add Pixels, add Fan Pages add people. Detailed step by step overview and direction
How to review and sort your ads by date, type of ad, amount spent … all the practical and useful steps needed for effective management of your ads and time
Adding your billing information and other details easily into your account
Detailed explanation of what an ad is, how its setup what are the elements and what exactly you need to know to effectively manage and run your ads
How to create a fan page, give access to it to other people, detailed information on the permission levels for each fan page and what those even are
Mistakes to avoid when it comes to fan pages and your team. How one simple check of a box can save your fan page from being deleted
Fully understand what the Facebook Pixel is, how you can properly install it and use it to manage your ads
Explaining how to manage and target audiences based on website visitors, an existing customer list or anyone who watch a video or interacted with your ad
How to build cold traffic ads that will bring NEW customer to your site and not serve the ad over and over to same people
How to create unique audiences and avoid the mistake most marketers make and show the same ad to the same people over and over
Create an over the shoulder 100% walk through of 6 of the most effective ads types!
What are the key metrics and KPIs every pro marketer look and and review on a daily basis
Here’s what’s different about this course:
- It’s 100% over the shoulder done in the program with ZERO whiteboard!
- And taught by a marketer who has over 15,000 hours running Facebook Ads and has managed millions in Ad spend. One that has been invited to Facebook Campus, had Quarterly Review of Accounts, and weekly Facebook Rep Team Calls. Facebook invested tens of thousands in my Agency and I want to pass that learning on to you!
No boring powerpoints or vague information, clear, direct, and over-the-shoulder lessons on everything you need to know to get started and master Facebook Ads.
Let me share something with you, after Managing Tens of Millions in Ad Spend here’s 3 KEY ELEMENTS I’ve learned:
Just navigating is the largest hurdle to the platform
The fundamentals can work every time
Elaborate is not better
It’s true, most marketers today, know the value of Facebook but with so much out there, are unsure where to start and who to listen to. Running a large-scale agency, here are 2 THINGS I have to come to realize.
99% of my clients could do it themselves if they simply watched this course
99% of Marketers are leaving money on the table by NOT relying on fundamental principles and are chasing the NEXT SHINY OBJECT
After over 15,000 hours managing Facebook ads and millions of ad spend here is ONE ABSOLUTE TRUTH
This isn’t 2015
No Denying the Reach
#1 Social Media Platform
Your Clients are Looking at FB
If you are not on..
You are leaving money on table
Even Youtube Ad Gurus advertise on FB…
since you are here.. we are going to focus on option 1!
But Where to start? Who to listen to? How many hours will be wasted searching for where to begin? Are you learning strong concepts or useless information????
Facebook Ad Platform Can Be Easily Learned
Navigation is the main hurdle
There are dozens of ad types. You only need 2 or 3
Dozens of Targeting options, you only need 2-3
You don’t need to spend hours a day managing
Things are much simpler if you learn the right way – FIRST!!!
Guided by 15,000 hours not 1 three-month period
No temporary “hacks”, not a “one-trick pony”
Designed to be watched, followed then used!
REALISTIC scenarios, the navigation you need, TACTICS that work
99% over the shoulder in the “platform training
What type of experience do I need?
Literally NONE
We start from the ground up
Quickly walk you through your entire setup
Follow along and build your assets
Learning why, and what each piece is as we go
Avoiding all the “rookie” mistakes as we go
This offer is for ANYONE who understands the power of Facebook Ads and would like to create their own ads for TRAFFIC, SALES OR LEADS
Who can do this?
Anyone who needs leads for their business
–Dentist, Life Insurance, Auto Dealers
Anyone who needs to drive traffic to their site
–Ecommerce, Attendance to Events
Anyone who needs to drive visibility to their store
–Drive Walk-in traffic, get the word out
Anyone who already sends traffic to a site and wants to RETARGET on the largest platform
Map out exactly how this COURSE WILL HELP ME!
Step #1: Watch the Step by Step Overview
Learn The Basics & Fundamentals in our Facebook 101
Create Your Business Manager and Learn How to Navigate Like a Pro
Create Your Ad Account and Learn how to Best Setup Your Account for Success
Step #2: Follow Along & Learn & Build
Learn everything you need to know about your Fan Page and how to manage them
Learn Everything you need to know about Pixels and how to install them on your site
Learn what types of Audiences are Available to You on Facebook
Learn which AUdieinces will work Best for You
Learn How to Create your first Campaign
Learn How to Best Target Your Audience
Learn How to Setup Your Ads Right The First Time
Even Learn how to Spy on your Competition with Facebook’s FREE SPY TOOL
Step #3: Confidently Build and Launch your First Ad
Learn how to manage your existing ad, read the Metrics and KPIs and make informed decisions
Finally, be able to Advertise Effectively on the Facebook Platform!
Now YOU Have Two Choices…
First Option – Buy some other course you found on here and wake up tomorrow and be in the same situation you are in now.. wondering did you actually learn anything??
Second Option – Make A Small investment Today (compared to all the value you’ll get in return, and just give it a shot!) in My COUrse and learn Facebook Ads the Right Way from the start!
Who this course is for:
- This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to run ads on Facebook through direct over the shoulder guidance.
- Entrepreneurs, start-ups, marketers, influencers, Facebook admins, Facebook editors, sales reps, copywriters, content creators, creatives, advertisers, real estate agents, affiliates, job seekers, local business, and anyone who wants to succeed online as a Facebook Ads
Sale page: 100% Over the Shoulder Facebook Ads from the Ground Up